Reiki I Training & Certification
Become your own energy healer! Balance and energize your mind, body, and spirit with the incredible healing tool of Reiki.
Welcome to Reiki I!
Meet Your Reiki Master
Your Reiki Manual
Your Reiki Workbook
What Is Reiki?
The Reiki Symbol
Ki Basics
The History of Reiki
Your Reiki Lineage
Knowledge Check
Your Reiki-infused Meditation Experience
Gokai: The Five Reiki Precepts
Gassho & Kenyoku Ho
Introduction To Your Reiki Placement
Your Reiki Placement
Channeling Reiki
Self-Reiki Using The Chakras
Self-Reiki Using The Three Diamonds
Byosen Scanning
Reiji Ho
Self-Reiki Using The Body Pt. 1
Self-Reiki Using The Body Pt. 2
Knowledge Check
Becoming certified in Reiki I allows you to utilize energy healing all on your own—anytime, anywhere.
Improve your body, mind, and spirit
Reiki can be used for any problem or challenge in your life
Experience a lighter, freer, and more empowered you
Reiki is a Japanese energy clearing and balancing technique. The word Reiki means spiritual life force energy: Rei = Universe/Spirit, and Ki = energy/life force. Using Reiki means using the loving energy of the Universe for your highest good—to heal and uplevel your life. Reiki is non-denominational and accepts all people.
Anyone can use Reiki! If you are feeling called to work with Reiki then it is meant for you.
No problem is too big or too small for Reiki. It doesn’t matter if you need support for daily stress or a major issue. Anything emotional, physical, or spiritual can benefit from this healing energy. Reiki can help with: anxiety, pain, trauma, disconnect, awakening, intuition, …and SO much more! There are endless applications for Reiki.
“To describe this experience is almost impossible, I struggle to find words…during the lessons I can tell you I have already felt so much peace and acceptance of myself. I know where some of my physical blockages are. I have such a greater understanding and respect for my source energy as well as the reiki energy. I could feel my guides watching me grow as I meditated. The meditations were amazing. I felt balanced and light after all of them. Learning all the different ways to clear energy was amazing. This was just such a good course. I loved that Anna had a work book as well as videos, I was able to pre-read the workbook which helped the videos make more sense. I will be getting on that wait list for Reiki 11 as to further my journey. My only hope is that I do not have to wait too long to work with Anna again.”
“I literally loved every minute of this course. A new world of not only healing and energy but also learning about myself has opened for me.”
“I enjoyed this course. I loved how the training modules were very straightforward and easy to understand. Thank you for adding in the videos where we could follow along with you and practice reiki on ourselves - those videos made me feel more comfortable with practicing reiki on myself.”
“I feel like I gained a wonderful understanding of the beautiful energy that practicing Reiki can add to my life: it assists me in feeling calm & peaceful and assists me with any healing I desire. I'm so grateful to get creative with my Reiki practice, like cleansing and infusing my crystals, sending Reiki to my food & water, amplifying my manifestations & gratitude list, and anything else I can think of! Thank you so much for creating this course!!”
Anna has spent years studying and practicing with many different Reiki masters so she can bring you the absolute best pieces of knowledge from a diverse base. Her trainings include traditional Japanese Reiki as well as Holy Fire III™ Reiki. While most Reiki courses focus on one single style of Reiki, in this course you’re getting the best of two of the most popular types. It is a distillation of everything Anna has learned down into only the most helpful and powerful tips and techniques. You won't find unnecessary or impractical fluff here, only what works and what will actually help you heal in practical ways.
Ready to uplevel your energy and your life? Bring your body, mind, and spirit into balance and empower yourself with the incredible healing tool of Reiki!